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Hirtenmaina (Acridotheres tristis)

Aktualisiert am: 05.03.2024


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[author]Holzapfel, C., Levin, N., Hatzofe, O., Kark, S[/author]. (2006): Colonisation oft he Middle East by the invasive Common Myna Acridotheres tristis L., with special reference to Israel. Sanddgrouse 28 (1): 44-51

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[author]Scalera, R., Rabitsch, W., Genovesi, P., Adriens, T., Robertson, P., Moore, N., Booy, O., Chapman, D., Kettunen, M. [/author](2018): Study on Invasive Alien Species – Development of risk assessments to tackle priority species and enhance prevention. Contract No 07.0202/2016/740982/ETU/ENV.D2. Annex 1: Risk Assessment for Acridotheres tristis (Linnaeus 1766)

[author]The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species [/author](Hg.) (2017): Acridotheres tristis, Common Myna. (Hg.) (2020): Acridotheres tristis – Hirtenmaina. [20.09.2023]