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Gelb- und Rotwangen-Schmuckschildkröten-Komplex (Trachemys scripta-scripta-elegans-Komplex)

Aktualisiert am: 27.03.2023


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- HENNIG, A. S. (2004): Trachemys scripta elegans – Heimtier, Nahrungsmittel und Tempelbewohner. Radiata 13 (1): 13-28

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- SCALERA, R. (2007): Virtues and shortcomings of EU legal provisions for managing NIS: Rana catesbeiana and Trachemys scripta elegans as case studies. in: Biological invaders in inland waters: profiles, distribution and threats, Hrsg. Francesca Gherardi, Springer series in invasion ecology 2, S. 669 – 678.

- SCHRADIN, C. (2020): Successful reproduction of Trachemys scripta in the Altrhein of Kehl (Germany) and simultaneous increase in population estimates. - The Herpetological Bulletin 154, 2020: 1-7,

- SERVAN, J. & C. ARVY (1997): The introduction of Trachemys scripta elegans in France : A new competitor for the European pond turtles. Bull. Francaise Peche Pisciculture, 344-345: 173-177